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Recently, Elon Musk announced that all his staff should return to working on-site, expressing his exceptionalism regarding the improvement in people’s capacity for innovation and creativity when working remotely since these skills are vital to designing new products. Their success basis on working from the physical site.

He also argues that «Tesla has created and will create and produce the most exciting and meaningful products of any company on Earth. This will not happen by phoning» (BBC News).

For him, it implies that since the pandemic, companies with employees working from home have not had any new products or services. Will this be true?

In the Forbes 2021 list of the most innovative companies, remote work is still managed. Among them: Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are above Tesla. These companies continue to bring out innovative products and services, despite the way their employees work.

These organizations’ common feature is that, after the decrease in the COVID19 contagion risk, they have demanded the return of their employees to their headquarters, creating dissatisfaction from several employees, who have said that they are just as productive both in-person and remotely.

Modalities of the new century and the role of organizations

Today, there is an option welcomed by many: hybrid work. It allows them to maintain a balance between their work and personal lives.

Another advantage that has been observed in hybrid work is the development of the social part with co-workers by allowing the worker to go to the physical headquarters. As a result, they feel happy and motivated.

However, beyond taking a radical position, each employee’s health and mental well-being must be considered since, if there is dissatisfaction with how they work, their productivity will not be the same. Sometimes they will perform their daily tasks with little optimism, creativity, and innovation.

In addition, it should be evaluated whether their presence at the workplace is necessary or whether can performe their tasks from home.

Also, honesty is relevant in the decision criteria, considering, the trust generation among stakeholders, improving the relationship in the daily performance process, and providing a win-win between the parties (organization and collaborators) for the common welfare.

What can an employee do?

Regardless of the modality of work chosen or preferred, it is currently necessary to adjust to changes and strengthen the skills necessary for the modality that corresponds to each worker.
Likewise, it is essential to work daily on soft skills (emotional intelligence, adaptation to change, empathy, intercultural skills, and proactivity are undoubtedly key for any type of modality) that allow a better development in the job and contribute positively to companies.

How can an organization minimize the risks of remote work?

Organizations need a complete strategy that, according to their needs, allows them to structure different action plans in any work modalities that help minimize risks and provide security to their information and stakeholders.
It is important to have:
1. Continuity Plan.
2. Disaster Recovery Plan.
3. Emergency Plan.
4. Training your collaborators.
5. Carry out drills.

Remote Work Tips

Finally, these are some relevant tips for remote work:


It is important to remember that resilience plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, both organizationally, professionally, and personally. This is why we must not forget to apply it at all times.


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