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Consumers and investors alike have become increasingly demanding when purchasing and investing in goods and services. In addition, technology has been a fundamental tool for the advancement and development of new products and services that have emerged in the market and whose value is accentuated in innovation, increased productivity, and improved decision-making. One of the aspects that have become more relevant in recent times is sustainability.

However, although sustainability and technology are relevant topics, organizations still do not manage their business IT sustainably, which begs the question: How to build a sustainable technology model for organizations?

Sustainable Technologies

For decades, multiple technologies have been developed to sustainably support the IT area of organizations. Such examples are evidenced in the following:

  1. Cloud Computing: one of the clear benefits is the cost savings in infrastructure investment since information can be stored in large volumes, more securely and easily accessible at a lower cost. It has also minimized the use of paper and other physical resources that do not contribute favorably to sustainability. Another advantage lies in the contribution to employee productivity and diversity.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: automation is critical to increasing the performance and efficiency of processes since it allows more human hours to review decision-making and tasks of greater relevance. Sustainability in this technology is reflected in the reduction of resources, and use of devices and materials, positively impacting productivity.

Why adopt a Sustainable IT Model?

It is vital to consider the statistical data that Capgemini evaluated: “The number of connected devices is expected to reach 55.7 billion in 2025, of which 75% will be connected to an IoT platform. Furthermore, the data generated by connected IoT devices will grow fourfold, from 18.3 zettabytes in 2019 to 73.1 zettabytes in 2025. The storage and processing of this data will, in turn, lead to increased demand for data centers.”

Considering the above scenario and reiterating the importance for investors when injecting capital into organizations and consumers when acquiring goods and services that leave a green footprint, it is vital for the development and continuity of organizations to implement sustainable strategies in the technological field.

Likewise, according to Trends, “the main objective is to increase their resilience and anticipate possible business interruptions with more agility and capacity for foresight and reaction, and by 2022 it is expected that 59% of organizations will increase spending on technology for this purpose”.

The competitiveness of organizations increases as they implement sustainable technology models and adapt to the new changes demanded by society.


How to build a sustainable IT model?

While there is no secret formula for building a sustainable IT model, there are some steps or tactics to get started, which we recommend in the following infographic:

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